Utila Realty - Utila Realty S.A.
Address: 1st Floor, Mango Tree Building, Utila, Bay Islands 27104   Phone: US: +1 850 588 1030 | Honduras: +011 504 2425 3993
Email: info@utilarealty.net

UR0619,  Swanix Ridge Bodega

$ 25,000
Square shaped 0.21 acre flat lot with bodega

This square shaped flat lot is 5 mins off the main airport road heading north. It has an existing breeze block bodega on site although it would require finishing. There is also a well dug beside the building. The lot is cleared and has road frontage for easy access. UPCO is readily available for easy hook up. A lovely and affordable lot to build a family home upon.

Address: Swanix ridge, Utila
Categories: Lots & Land for Sale, Utila, Bay Islands, Honduras
Type: Lot
