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The Lagoon House

Type: House   |  ID: UR0449   |  
Location: Little Bight, Utila, Bay Islands
Access: Boat
Lot Size: .338 Acres
View: Tropical Foliage or Garden
Sq. Ft.: 1,100

Property Details

Property Details

Location: Little Bight, Utila, Bay Islands
Access: Boat
Lot Size: .338 Acres
View: Tropical Foliage or Garden
Sq. Ft.: 1,100

Property Description

Unfinished home located right on the Lower Lagoon at Little Bight. The lot is 0.338 acres and there is no road access, but you can moor a boat at the front. The house sits high on wooden stilts and has large windowed doors across the front providing great views of the mangroves with all the attaching wild life. Very peaceful location with good breezes and only a five-minute trip across the lagoon to town. The home is constructed entirely from wood with windows all around it to maximize the view. The house has approximately 700 square feet of living space and is only completed to shell stage with doors, windows and floor in place. It is essentially one large open plan room with a separate bathroom and shower connected to the main room. The bathroom would need plumbing, tiling and electric work as would the remainder of the house. A kitchen would also have to be installed. For someone with building knowledge it provides a great opportunity to buy a property where most of the hard work has been done. It could be configured internally as the buyer wishes - separate bedroom and living area for example or leave it as one large open space like a studio apartment. The approximately 420 square feet of deck space includes a large balcony to the front and left side of the home ideal for chilling on.

Listed by:

Brad Ryon
Brad Ryon, Broker

Cell: +011 504 9787 3737
Honduras: +011 504 2425 3993
USA: +1 850 588 1030